metagenomic mapping service, microbial mapping services, production mms testing, NGS metagenomic testing

Metagenomic Mapping Service-MMS

Primary goal of Environmental Monitoring and MMS is to help brands maintain high-quality standards in their production processes by closely monitoring & understanding the microbial populations within their facilities.

Using Metagenomics we study the genetic material of microorganisms in a given environment to provide valuable insights for quality control and safety in all industries. We combine long-standing microbiology experience of plant areas with the power of NGS and Metagenomic Mapping to accurately:

  • Map and monitor the complete microbiome of your production facility.
  • Pinpoint pathogens and contaminants in the environment.
  • Identify their routes and biofilms.
  • Track their sources proactively.
  • Gain full insight of the microbial populations in your production before it affects your products.
  • Use the data retrospectively to identify possible sources of contamination in case of QC failure.


Untargeted approach: You only find what you are looking for! The presence of bacteria in production environments poses a constant threat to QA/QC managers who might face a huge challenge concerning recalls. The classical approach with swabs and culture plates only detects a limited number of microorganisms and often results are difficult or even meaningless to interpret.


Microbial Mapping from QACS Lab gives an untargeted approach to this procedure revealing the full picture:

  • Samples are taken from all important sources in the production environment.
  • Total DNA is isolated from all samples and sequenced with NGS.
  • The full depth of the microbiome of each sample is revealed from each sample analysis.
  • Combining the results of each sample a full microbiome map of the production environment is revealed.
  • Metadata analysis, heatmaps and most of all our expert’s insight results in a comprehensive report with clear interpretation of the finding and suggestions for corrective actions.

Powerful Microbial Mapping & Monitoring
