Cosmetic future is Microbiome-Friendly

What Makes This Unique?
Our Skin Microbiome Friendly Testing studies evaluate the impact of your product on the skin microbiome through cost-effective in vitro/ex vivo analysis. These comprehensive studies assess whether your product significantly alters the skin’s natural microflora, including both normal and pathogenic bacteria, as well as overall biodiversity. By understanding these interactions, you can ensure your products are true Microbiome-Friendly Cosmetics. A positive outcome not only reinforces the integrity of your formulations but also allows you to substantiate the “Skin Microbiome- Friendly” claim worldwide.
Body care, skincare, and cosmetics are among the largest sources of ingredient exposures, often influencing the delicate molecular and bacterial diversity of the skin. Beauty products can disrupt the dynamic structure of the skin microbiome, which is why ensuring microbiome compatibility is critical. Trust our Microbiome-Friendly Testing Lab to provide the insights needed to promote your Skin Microbiome-Friendly Products, ensuring they are safe and effective for consumers seeking Microbiome-Friendly Tested solutions.
Trust our Microbiome-Friendly Testing Lab to provide the insights needed to promote your Skin Microbiome-Friendly Products, ensuring they are safe and effective for consumers seeking Microbiome Friendly Tested solutions.
The Science Behind
We conduct a modified Challenge Test (ISO 11930) to evaluate how your product interacts with microbes relevant to the skin area of application. This test can be tailored to 21 distinct panels, each designed for different skin types, including sebaceous, dry, moist, eczema-prone, intimate areas, and more. Our studies involve testing 6-8 normal microflora species alongside 3-6 potential pathogens per area (all using ATCC strains). Additionally, we assess your product’s impact on the overall microbial biodiversity of the skin through Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) analysis of swab samples collected from volunteers. Our in-house validated method and custom algorithm guarantee accurate assessment of your product’s microbiome compatibility.
Testing Trusted Worldwide